Thursday, February 16, 2006

Movie nostalgia

Had a nostalgic evening and watched two of my favourite movies again.

Eat Drink Man Woman conveys this beautiful calmness in the light of the evolution of a taiwanese family. The scenes of the diligent preparation of chinese food are just marvellous and it's intricately intertwined with great storytelling. One of the movies I get that special peaceful feeling afterwards.

And secondly the movie I dedicated this domain too: Absolute Giganten.

"Freundschaften sind wie Sehnsüchte. Toll, groß, absolut gigantisch. Und wenn sie dich erstmal gepackt haben, lassen sie dich nicht mehr los. Manchmal niemals." [Friendships are like yearnings. Tremendous, great, absolutely gigantic. And if they got you they won't let you go. Sometimes never.]
"Es müsste immer Musik da sein, bei allem, was du machst. Wenn es so richtig Scheiße ist, ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo es am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment." [There should be always music no matter what you do. And if everything is fucked up at least the music would still be there. And at the point when everything is perfect the record should skip and you always hear this moment.]

This movie always leaves with me with this absolutely gigantic feeling.

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